A World Team is a creative and effective way to support others. It functions like a sports fantasy team. You decide who is on your team. Each day of the week corresponds to a different unreached people group.
- Monday: Support ministries and workers serving unreached tribal peoples.
- Tuesday: Support ministries and workers serving unreached Hindu peoples.
- Wednesday: Support ministries and workers serving unreached Unreligious peoples.
- Thursday: Support ministries and workers serving unreached Muslim peoples.
- Friday: Support ministries and workers serving unreached Buddhist peoples.
Step 1. Create Your Team

By deciding what part of your team needs workers: Tribal, Hindu, Unreligious, Muslim, or Buddhist peoples.
By contacting a mission agency to begin partnerships. Sometimes the best partnership is with an individual worker (missionary), sometimes with a sending agency as a whole. This is especially true if the agency mobilizes people to areas of the world where it is not wise to disclose their exact location or identity. If partnering with individual workers, do so with Americans (ex-pats) as well as national workers. National (indigenous) workers serve in their own country. They don't have to overcome the obstacles of legal status, culture, language, diet and climate. These are often the hardest obstacles for American workers serving overseas.
- Pioneers. Serving the unreached exclusively. Watch What Does Pioneers Do? (4:59)
- The Traveling Team List. A trusted list of mission agencies focused on unreached peoples.
- GFA World. A ministry to the poorest of the poor throughout the world. Watch About GFA (3:09)
- Asia Link. An equipping and Bible distribution ministry serving Asia. Watch Why AsiaLink (4:15)
- Asia Harvest. A church planting ministry serving Asia.Watch Tears of the Saints (6:22)
- Beyond. A mission agency to unreached peoples. Watch Beyond Overview (5:46)
- Cru. A global disciple making ministry serving many unreached peoples. Watch Have you ever wondered, why me? (
- Urgent. A ministry supporting indigenous workers serving among the unreached in the hardest places. Watch Urgent United (3:14) and Radical (1:50)
- Samaritan's Purse. A relief agency helping people, in Jesus' name, who are impacted by natural disasters, and other hardships. Pick a category and watch a video.
By informing the mission agency of your desire to partner with the agency as a whole, or workers serving among unreached people. It may be a new concept for them, so be prepared to describe it.
By explaining that you want to be added to the mailing list of a worker serving among a specific unreached people group (Tribal, Hindu, Unreligious, Muslim, Buddhist). Try to partner with Americans working overseas as well as nationals serving in their own countries. Attempt to match up with those whom you have an affinity: same gender, age, marital status, and so on. Families have a great time partnering with workers with same-aged children. Ask to be linked with people who communicate well, and often. Realize the mission agency will not forward the worker's contact information to you, but will forward yours to them. You will also need to abide by the security guidelines included in each communique you receive. Usually, this means not forwarding, sharing or reproducing the material.
Step 2. Support Your Team
Decide on the type (prayer and/or financial) and duration (yearly or more) of your partnership. Some people even progress to a well-planned personal visit. Partner with your team by reading the updates, praying faithfully, giving generously, and maybe even going to visit. You can always adjust your partnership over time. Many people make annual commitments and review or change them at the beginning of each year. |
Other Resources
- View PODs
- View SOGY
- View The Learning List