Welcome to Launch, a multi-session training designed to equip believers with the basic resources for making disciples who, in turn, make more disciples. Chief among these resources is Discovery Bible Study (DBS).
Focus on Unbelievers: Launch equips believers to effectively reach friends, family, neighbors, and others who do not identify as followers of Jesus.
Emphasis on Application: Every session includes an actionable step to ensure participants apply disciple-making principles. Sessions begin with a review of the previous Action Step to foster accountability and growth.
Closed Format: Launch follows a sequential structure and operates as a closed event once started. Participants are encouraged to form their own Discovery Groups with interested friends during the training to foster immediate multiplication.
Start Small: To ensure meaningful engagement and multiplication, groups should consist of 3–6 participants. Larger groups should divide into smaller ones for deeper connections and effectiveness.
Commitment: Set clear expectations at the outset. This is for doers not hearers. Starting with a few highly committed individuals is more effective than a larger group with inconsistent dedication.
Timing: Meetings last 90 minutes. Start promptly and aim for full attendance. Build camaraderie by offering time to mingle at the end, with refreshments for in-person gatherings.
Structure: Begin with prayer (avoiding requests to maintain focus) and guide discussions to stay on track and within the timeframe. Personal prayer is built into many of the sessions.
Leadership: Rotate leadership roles regularly to empower participants and encourage them to take ownership.
Emphasis on Application: Every session includes an actionable step to ensure participants apply disciple-making principles. Sessions begin with a review of the previous Action Step to foster accountability and growth.
Closed Format: Launch follows a sequential structure and operates as a closed event once started. Participants are encouraged to form their own Discovery Groups with interested friends during the training to foster immediate multiplication.
Start Small: To ensure meaningful engagement and multiplication, groups should consist of 3–6 participants. Larger groups should divide into smaller ones for deeper connections and effectiveness.
Commitment: Set clear expectations at the outset. This is for doers not hearers. Starting with a few highly committed individuals is more effective than a larger group with inconsistent dedication.
Timing: Meetings last 90 minutes. Start promptly and aim for full attendance. Build camaraderie by offering time to mingle at the end, with refreshments for in-person gatherings.
Structure: Begin with prayer (avoiding requests to maintain focus) and guide discussions to stay on track and within the timeframe. Personal prayer is built into many of the sessions.
Leadership: Rotate leadership roles regularly to empower participants and encourage them to take ownership.
Session 1: DBS (part 1)
Overview (2 minutes): Launch is a multi-week training designed to equip individuals to make disciples who, in turn, make more disciples. It is part of the larger Disciple Making Movement (DMM), which centers on Discovery Bible Study (DBS) and emphasizes identifying a Person of Peace (POP)—someone eager to share the Bible with others.
Introduction (2 minutes): This session has two primary purposes:
Task #1 (10 minutes): Read aloud the steps in the disciple-making process, using hand signals for added engagement:
Task #2: (15 minutes): Read Discovery Bible Study (DBS) and review DBS Story Sets.
Activity (45 minutes): Conduct the short version of DBS (see below) using Story #1 from the DBS Story Sets.
Action Steps:
Introduction (2 minutes): This session has two primary purposes:
- To learn the steps of the disciple-making process.
- To introduce Discovery Bible Study (DBS), the foundational tool that drives disciple-making movements (DMM).
Task #1 (10 minutes): Read aloud the steps in the disciple-making process, using hand signals for added engagement:
- Step 1: Focus on God's word (hands open like a book)
- Step 2: Pray (hands together like praying)
- Step 3: Find a Person of Peace (hand over brow as if looking)
- Step 4: Teach them DBS (planting a flag in the ground)
- Step 5: Coach for Multiplication (hand touching mouth, then ear, like a baseball coach giving signals)
Task #2: (15 minutes): Read Discovery Bible Study (DBS) and review DBS Story Sets.
Activity (45 minutes): Conduct the short version of DBS (see below) using Story #1 from the DBS Story Sets.
- Question #1: Briefly describe what you are thankful for and what is stressful or challenging.
- Question #2: Briefly share how we can respond to one another. This is a perfect time to pray for one another.
Question #3: Briefly describe how your last "I will" statements went.
- Question #4: Briefly state what this passage teaches about God and people.
- Question #5: Briefly declare what you will do and who you will tell before our next meeting.
- What Makes DBS Different? (3:00) or
- Helping Others Discover God Thru DBS (4:42)
Action Steps:
- Learn the steps of the disciple-making process.
- Do your “I will” statements, which will be discussed in the next session.
SESSION 2: dbs (PART 2)
Review (5 minutes): Go over the steps of the disciple-making process, reinforcing them with the corresponding hand signals.
Introduction: The goal of this session is to deepen your understanding of Discovery Bible Study (DBS).
Task: (15 minutes) Read DBS Facilitator Notes. If necessary, review DBS by reading the bold print only.
Activity (45 minutes): Conduct the short version of DBS using Story #2 from the DBS Story Sets.
Action Steps: Continue learning the steps of the disciple-making process and do your “I will” statements to discuss in the next session.
Introduction: The goal of this session is to deepen your understanding of Discovery Bible Study (DBS).
Task: (15 minutes) Read DBS Facilitator Notes. If necessary, review DBS by reading the bold print only.
Activity (45 minutes): Conduct the short version of DBS using Story #2 from the DBS Story Sets.
- Question #1: Briefly describe what you are thankful for and what is stressful or challenging.
- Question #2: Briefly share how we can respond to one another. This is a perfect time to pray for one another.
Question #3: Briefly describe how your last "I will" statements went.
- Question #4: Briefly state what this passage teaches about God and people.
- Question #5: Briefly declare what you will do and who you will tell before our next meeting.
- Discovery Bible Study (8:16) or
- Vision (9:45)
Action Steps: Continue learning the steps of the disciple-making process and do your “I will” statements to discuss in the next session.
session 3: DBS (PART 3)
Review (5 minutes): Revisit the steps of the disciple-making steps (with hand gestures) to reinforce understanding and application.
Introduction: This session aims to deepen your knowledge and skills in facilitating Discovery Bible Study (DBS).
Task (15 minutes): Read through the DBS Follow Up Questions. Review the DBS by focusing on the bold print for clarity if needed.
Activity (45 minutes): Conduct the short version of DBS using Story #3 from the DBS Story Sets. Develop a couple of follow-up questions and thoughtful answers to guide discussion.
Debrief (25 minutes):
Introduction: This session aims to deepen your knowledge and skills in facilitating Discovery Bible Study (DBS).
Task (15 minutes): Read through the DBS Follow Up Questions. Review the DBS by focusing on the bold print for clarity if needed.
Activity (45 minutes): Conduct the short version of DBS using Story #3 from the DBS Story Sets. Develop a couple of follow-up questions and thoughtful answers to guide discussion.
- Question #1: Briefly describe what you are thankful for and what is stressful or challenging.
- Question #2: Briefly share how we can respond to one another. This is a perfect time to pray for one another.
Question #3: Briefly describe how your last "I will" statements went.
- Question #4: Briefly state what this passage teaches about God and people.
- Question #5: Briefly declare what you will do and who you will tell before our next meeting.
Debrief (25 minutes):
- Assess the effectiveness and clarity of the “Follow-Up Questions.”
- Watch one of the following videos:
- Discovery Bible Study Overview (7:58)
- Discovery Groups (11:03)
session 4: FOCUS ON GOD'S WORD
Review (15 minutes): Have someone share the steps of making disciple-makers. Allow a few participants to share their experiences with doing their "I will" statements.
Introduction: This session aims to introduce a simple yet powerful devotional tool called the One Thing Study.
Task (15 minutes): Read the One Thing Study to familiarize yourself with its structure and purpose.
Activity (45 minutes): Practice the One Thing Study as a group:
Debrief (15 minutes):
Action Steps: Incorporate a few One Thing Studies into your devotional time this week and share their influence next week.
Introduction: This session aims to introduce a simple yet powerful devotional tool called the One Thing Study.
Task (15 minutes): Read the One Thing Study to familiarize yourself with its structure and purpose.
Activity (45 minutes): Practice the One Thing Study as a group:
- Choose any passage of Scripture and have someone read it aloud.
- Then, reread the passage silently, reflecting on it.
- Take a few minutes to identify and mark your “One Thing”—a word, phrase, or sentence that speaks to your heart and what you believe God wants you to act on throughout the day.
- Share your “One Thing” with the group and explain why it resonated with you.
- After each person shares, have another group member pray for them before moving to the next participant. Repeat until everyone has shared and been prayed for.
Debrief (15 minutes):
- Evaluate the One Thing Study process and discuss its impact.
- Watch The Bible is Alive (2:09)
Action Steps: Incorporate a few One Thing Studies into your devotional time this week and share their influence next week.
session 5: PRAYER
Review (10 minutes): Invite someone to share the steps of the disciple-making process. Additionally, have participants share how One Thing Studies went from the previous meeting.
Introduction: This session focuses on establishing the central role of prayer in disciple-making movements (DMM).
Task (10 minutes): Read, Pray to deepen understanding of prayer’s significance in disciple-making.
Activity (45 minutes): Spend intentional time praying together as a group, focusing on disciple-making. Move naturally, embracing silence and allowing the Spirit to lead.
Debrief (20 minutes): Discuss your reflections on the group prayer experience.
Watch one of the following videos:
Action Steps:
Introduction: This session focuses on establishing the central role of prayer in disciple-making movements (DMM).
Task (10 minutes): Read, Pray to deepen understanding of prayer’s significance in disciple-making.
Activity (45 minutes): Spend intentional time praying together as a group, focusing on disciple-making. Move naturally, embracing silence and allowing the Spirit to lead.
- Thanksgiving and challenges: Share what is going well and hard in the disciple-making journey.
- Scripture: Read Matthew 28:16-20 and harvest several principles that flow from the answer to the question, "What does this passage say about disciple-making?"
- Prayer. Let the praises and needs from #1 and the answers from #2 shape your prayers.
Debrief (20 minutes): Discuss your reflections on the group prayer experience.
Watch one of the following videos:
- Prayer (IBRA Mission) (9:55)
- Prayer (Beyond.org) (3:07)
Action Steps:
- Pray at least once this week using the template in the activity section above.
- If able, join the online prayer group via Zoom on Tuesdays, 2-3 PM, Pacific Time. Trouble logging on? Contact us at [email protected] or text (209) 917-0830
Review (10 minutes): Have someone share the steps of the disciple-making process. Briefly share your experience with praying over the past week, including the Zoom call if you took part.
Introduction (5 minutes): The purpose of this session is to learn how to engage someone in conversation, anywhere, at anytime in the pursuit of Person of Peace.
A Person of Peace (POP) is someone open to conversation, receptive to spiritual dialogue, willing to listen to Bible stories, and eager to share those stories with others. Identifying a POP is key to starting and growing disciple-making movements (DMM).
Generally engagement can occur in two ways: situationally (as you go) or intentionally (planned). This session will focus on situational engagement using the FARM Conversation.
Task (15 minutes): Read the FARM Conversation.
Activity (45 minutes): Practice the FARM Conversation as a group. Keep interactions genuine and responses concise to fit the session’s time limit. Assume Family, Academics/Occupation, and Recreation topics have already been discussed and begin with the Message questions. (Note: if you know the person you are conversing with ask deeper questions. For example, "Tell me something I don't know about..."
Share Your Missional Identity:
Action Steps:
Introduction (5 minutes): The purpose of this session is to learn how to engage someone in conversation, anywhere, at anytime in the pursuit of Person of Peace.
A Person of Peace (POP) is someone open to conversation, receptive to spiritual dialogue, willing to listen to Bible stories, and eager to share those stories with others. Identifying a POP is key to starting and growing disciple-making movements (DMM).
Generally engagement can occur in two ways: situationally (as you go) or intentionally (planned). This session will focus on situational engagement using the FARM Conversation.
Task (15 minutes): Read the FARM Conversation.
Activity (45 minutes): Practice the FARM Conversation as a group. Keep interactions genuine and responses concise to fit the session’s time limit. Assume Family, Academics/Occupation, and Recreation topics have already been discussed and begin with the Message questions. (Note: if you know the person you are conversing with ask deeper questions. For example, "Tell me something I don't know about..."
- Their Story: One group member asks another: “It’s been great learning about your personal background. Could you share a bit about your spiritual background?”
- Your Story: That group member then asks another to share their 15-second testimony: “At one point in my life, I was ___________ and ___________ (two words describing your life before trusting Jesus). Then I encountered Jesus, trusted Him, and made Him number one in my life. Now, I ___________ and ___________ (two words describing your life after trusting Jesus). Have you had a similar experience?”
- God’s Story: The group member who share their 15 second testimony then selects another who will share God's story. group member asks, "May I share an encouraging story from the Bible with you?" Read Mark 2:1-12. Ask what does this teach about God and man?" And, "Do you see yourself anywhere in this story?'
Share Your Missional Identity:
- Scenario 1: One group member asks another, “What do you do?” The response: “I help people discover the ______________ and __________ (two words that describe your journey as a Jesus follower). Is that something you’d like to know more about?"
- Scenario 2: If the person indicates they are a believer, someone in the group says: “I show followers of Jesus how to make disciples who make disciples. Is that something you’d like to know more about?”
- Watch How to Talk With People Who Don't Know Jesus (4:01)
Action Steps:
- Have as much of a FARM conversation as you're able with someone this week.
- Pray the template and join the Prayer Zoom call.
Session 7: finding a person of peace (part 2)
Review (10 minutes): Invite participants to share their experiences using the FARM Conversation over the past week. If time allows, encourage them to share insights about praying with the template and participating in the Zoom call.
Introduction (5 minutes): The objective of this session is to learn how to intentionally identify a Person of Peace (POP) through Prayer Walking.
Task (15 minutes): Read Prayer Walk together, while on the way to prayer walk.
Practice (45 minutes): Engage in a group Prayer Walk, practicing the steps outlined in the Sample Script. Embrace the process with intentionality and openness by asking, "Is Jesus worth this?"
Debrief (15 minutes): Discuss the group’s thoughts and experiences with Prayer Walking. Highlight any challenges, successes, or key takeaways from the practice.
Action Steps:
Introduction (5 minutes): The objective of this session is to learn how to intentionally identify a Person of Peace (POP) through Prayer Walking.
Task (15 minutes): Read Prayer Walk together, while on the way to prayer walk.
Practice (45 minutes): Engage in a group Prayer Walk, practicing the steps outlined in the Sample Script. Embrace the process with intentionality and openness by asking, "Is Jesus worth this?"
Debrief (15 minutes): Discuss the group’s thoughts and experiences with Prayer Walking. Highlight any challenges, successes, or key takeaways from the practice.
Action Steps:
- Partner with someone in the group to go Prayer Walking for one hour this week.
- Continue to have as much of a FARM Conversation as possible with someone this week.
sessions 8: coaching
Review: (15 minutes) Ask group members to share about One Thing studies, Prayer, Finding a Person of Peace using FARM Conversation and/or goingon a Prayer Walk.
Introduction: The purpose of this session is to introduce the importance of ongoing coaching both for others and yourself.
Task: (10 minutes) Read Coach.
Activity: (45 minutes) Conduct a Coaching session.
Debrief: (15 minutes)
Introduction: The purpose of this session is to introduce the importance of ongoing coaching both for others and yourself.
Task: (10 minutes) Read Coach.
Activity: (45 minutes) Conduct a Coaching session.
- Look back: Share the highs and lows of implementing the following: Discovery Bible Study (DBS), One Thing Study, Prayer Template or Prayer Zoom call, FARM Conversation, Prayer Walk.
- Look Up: As a group, read Acts 26:16-18 or Matthew 28:16-20 in a few translations, and discuss what it teaches about making disciples. Try to come up with several disciple making principles.
- Look Ahead: You will cover this in Debrief.
Debrief: (15 minutes)
- Briefly discuss thoughts on this coaching session and Launch training in general.
- Read about Level #2 DMM Training and scan the DMM Library.
- IMPORTANT! This marks the end of Launch, but as the word Launch implies, it is just the beginning of the mission. Will you engage in the rest of the mission by coaching those you disciple, joining a coaching group, and continue your training with Level 2 DMM Training? Share your answers.
- Watch The Power of Multiplication (3:18)
- See DMM Resources
- Watch What is DMM? (2:40)
- Watch The Vision (9:46)
- Watch DMM Intro (4:29)
- Watch Why Not Here? (2:53)
- Watch Introduction to DMM (9:07)
- Watch Simple Shifts (22:22)