REACH serves as a resource to guide people in discovering their role in bringing the gospel to unreached people groups living overseas. Suitable for individual or group use, these free, interactive sessions are powerful tools for mission engagement.
REACH consists of six sessions with five meetings each. The initial session, "The Nations" serves as a gateway, and is designed to be done first. The remaining five sessions can be done in any order. They are conveniently remembered as THUMB: Tribal, Hindu, Unreligious, Mulsim and Buddhist peoples.
The goal of REACH is to become SOGY (Support Others or Go Yourself). "Support Others" involves providing prayer and financial support to those engaged in mission work, while "Go Yourself" includes exploring overseas opportunities through short, mid, and long-term mission trips.
REACH consists of six sessions with five meetings each. The initial session, "The Nations" serves as a gateway, and is designed to be done first. The remaining five sessions can be done in any order. They are conveniently remembered as THUMB: Tribal, Hindu, Unreligious, Mulsim and Buddhist peoples.
The goal of REACH is to become SOGY (Support Others or Go Yourself). "Support Others" involves providing prayer and financial support to those engaged in mission work, while "Go Yourself" includes exploring overseas opportunities through short, mid, and long-term mission trips.