Unreligious 3
Read Acts 1:8–11
- Why do we need the power of the Holy Spirit to help us witness? In other words, how does He empower a believer to witness to unreached peoples in a way that is different from doing so under natural, human power? Discuss your answers. Then read Local Information Point 1.
- When it comes to missions to unreached peoples, are we standing around gazing into heaven? Explain.
Pray (4:58)
- "We meet together every five weeks. I challenged people to pray for five weeks, for five days, for five minutes a day. When presented this way, people who would not normally pray, started to pray."
How can you organize a simple plan to pray for the unreached?
- What else stood out to you from this video?
All excerpts are from Eric Liddell: Something Greater than Gold by Janet Benge
- "' All right, he said, 'I'll do it. Tell me where you need me and when.' Like a hinge swinging a huge door open, that simple statement forever changed the course of Eric's life" (locations 352–54).
Share the benefits of making this type of declaration?
- “In the dust of defeat as well as the laurels of victory there is glory to be found if one has done his best” (location 599).
What does this mean?
If you have not done so, view Word Team. A unique and productive partnership idea.
Reflect on what you learned in this meeting, and let it generate prayer as you pray together as a group.