Week 1
Session 1
- General Information.
Information about this class is located at GreatCommission.com under Welcome. Each class will consist of three 50 minute sessions with breaks between. Session 1 will focus on evangelism and will consist of discussion about reading assignments in the text books and resources at GreatCommision.com. Sessions 2 & 3 will focus on Missions and consist interacting with a unique online mission resource called PODs. You might want to bookmark this page, or store this website as an icon.
Observe good online etiquette; no eating or drinking, seated position, and reduced background noise. If you're not already doing so, use some kind of headphone with built in or separate microphone. Using a device microphone results in poor audio quality. - Late work policy. Read it. Know it. Do it. See page 6 in the syllabus. Generally, you'll be graded down one seventh until the seventh day, when the work with be worth zero.
- Grading will be done within the seven days of due date.
- Required Books
- Saccone, Cheri and Steve. Talking About God: Honest Conversations About Spirituality. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2018.
- Kalinowski, Caesar. The Gospel Primer. Mission Publishing, 2013. Start this today. It requires daily interaction.
- Kinnaman, David and Gabe Lyons. Good Faith: Being a Christian When Society Thinks You're Irrelevant and Extreme. Baker Books, 2016.
- PODs: A mission resource located at GreatCommission.com
- Assignments.
It is your responsibility to know about the content and due dates for the varios assigments. I will not be mentioning them on a weekly basis.
- Talking About God. Paper due January 26, 2022 by 11:59 PM, 60 points. Write a paper on any four of the six conversations in the book. The paper should be 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12-point, New Times Roman font. The papers should be turned in in PDF format or Microsoft Word. The document should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Use the free version of Grammarly for grammar. You will also need to cite any materials referenced using the Chicago Turabian style format. This does not include Bible verses.
The paper should consist of the following: a paragraph or two explaining the author’s general thesis, a list of at least 5 general points from the book that the student found to be either helpful, provocative, insightful, or controversial, a personal reflection on how the book would help inform the student’s personal evangelism and missions practices in the future, and a critical interaction with the author’s assertion(s) that illustrate considerable reflection. Make sure you integrate what you have read and learned in the book. The professor must see that you have absorbed and understood the content, as well as made new applications for your life. - View Alan Hirsch - Finding the Keys to Culture and to the Human Heart (30:35). Paper due February 2, 2022 at 11:59 PM, 20 points. Submit 6 insights that you gained from Alan Hirsch, a well-known voice for evangelism and mission in our world today. Bullet points are fine, however, make sure you articulate how this insight is personally enlightening to you and how and why it applies to your evangelistic life. In other words, you cannot just write a short sentence that states what Hirsch says. Instead, please elaborate and explain further.
- View Tim Keller on evangelism in the 21st century (10:56). Paper due February 9, 2022 by 11:59 PM, 60 points. Write an essay (2-3 pages, double spaced, 12-point font) on the insights you gained from this talk on evangelism (about the theme of word and deed) from Tim Keller. Be sure to include reflections on how these insights impact the way you approach personal evangelism in your life and faith.
- Good Faith. Paper due February 23, 2022 by 11:59 PM, 60 points. See description for Talking About God paper above.
- Gospel Primer. Paper due March 6, 2022 by 11:59 PM, 140 points. Do the daily assignments. Students will write a reflection paper that articulates 10 key lessons they have learned from the book about living on mission. At least one lesson needs to be drawn from each of the eight chapters. The required length is 6-8 pages, double spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman font. Submit as PDF, or Word.
- Attendance and discussion: 40 points.
- PODs: 105 points. You don't have to preview the PODs. We will interact with them as a class in real time.
- Talking About God. Paper due January 26, 2022 by 11:59 PM, 60 points. Write a paper on any four of the six conversations in the book. The paper should be 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12-point, New Times Roman font. The papers should be turned in in PDF format or Microsoft Word. The document should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Use the free version of Grammarly for grammar. You will also need to cite any materials referenced using the Chicago Turabian style format. This does not include Bible verses.
Sessions 2 and 3 PODs
Week 2
Session 1. Evangelism
Review the Spiritual Conversation at GreatCommission.com
Gospel Primer: What is the gospel? (Week 1)
- "God himself has come to rescue and renew all creation through Jesus Christ." page 3
- Take a few minutes and write out a definition of the gospel. Write to capture attention. Be attractive and winsome. Use the kind of language that would make someone to say, "I want to know more." Acts 17:32-34 Note, this is not your testimony, but a definition of the good news. Testimonies are a later assignment.
Sessions 2 & 3: PODs
Week 3
- If you have to turn in an assignment late due to catching COVID, put a note to that effect on the work.
Session 1. Evangelism: Gospel Primer
- Did you do this week's (and last week's) readings?
- The Story (Week 2)
"Everyone has a story, and all people are story tellers." p. 26
Choose seven words that describe what someone needs to know to be informed about the Bible. Explain why you chose those seven words. - Watch a video from Believe
Sessions 2 & 3. Missions: PODs
Week 4
Session 1. Evangelism
Gospel Primer: Your Gospel Story (Week 3)
- "You and your story were a part of God's plan before time began." p. 71
- What four words serve as bullet points to describe your gospel story from unbelief to today?
- This week engage someone you don't know (of the same gender) in a friendly, casual conversation. Some topics you might talk about include family, academics, work and hobbies. This is not a full blown evangelistic conversation resulting in conversion. It's just a warm dialogue with someone you don't presently know, but who God providentially brings across your pathway.
- Be ready to share your experience next week.
- Watch a video from Believe.
Sessions 2 & 3: PODs
Week 5
Session 1. Evangelism
Gospel Primer: Gospel Listening (Week 4)
- "The friends who listen to us are the ones we move towards." p. 74
- Describe the person who listens to you best.
Spiritual Conversation: Engage, Inquire, Inform, Invite.
- Share the results of engaging someone in casual, friendly conversation.
- This week, move a step forward by not only engaging someone in friendly, casual conversation, but asking them questions. Think FARM (Family, Academics [occupation], recreation [hobbies]. We'll cover M in a few weeks. Be ready to share the results next week. Go with someone if this seems challenging.
- Watch a video from Believe.
Sessions 2 & 3: PODs
Week 6
Session 1. Evangelism
Gospel Primer: Four Eternal Truths (Week 5)
Spiritual Conversation: Engage, Inquire, Inform, Invite.
Sessions 2 & 3: PODs
Gospel Primer: Four Eternal Truths (Week 5)
- "God is great, so I don't have to be in control. God is glorious, so I don't have to fear others. God is good, so I don't have to look elsewhere for my satisfaction. God is gracious, so I don't have to prove myself." p. 99
- Write four eternal truth statements. Start with an attribute of God and conclude with a meaningful, "So I don't..." statement.
Spiritual Conversation: Engage, Inquire, Inform, Invite.
- Share the results of Inquire. Did you ask somebody questions during a conversation this past week?
- This week: Engage someone in conversation, Inquire (ask questions) and inform them of what you get from reading the Bible. Be ready to share the results next week.
- Watch a video from Believe.
Sessions 2 & 3: PODs
Week 7
Session 1. Evangelism
Gospel Primer: Two Lenses (week 6)
- "I am more broken and sinful than I ever dared believe, and at the same time I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope, because of Jesus Christ." Tim Keller, p. 122
- The two lenses are the power of the gospel and the purpose of the gospel. Describe how you have experienced both. First, how has God's power been experienced in your life? In other words, what has God delivered you from? Second, describe how you have participated in God's purpose of making himself known to others. Who have you shared your story with?
- Describe any follow up you had with those you prayed for in last week's class.
- If you haven not followed up, do so now. And choose two more people and reach out to them right now. Simply say, "You're on my heart, and I'd like to know if I might pray for you? If so, what is something amazing that you might ask God to do in your life?" Then pray for them either in person or via text/email.
- Ask the person you prayed for if they would like to discover more about God by reading the Bible together.
- Learn Discovery Bible Study. Discovery Bible Study app. Learn about it here. Download it here.
Sessions 2 & 3: PODs
Week 8
Session 1. Evangelism
Gospel Primer: Gospel Identity (Week 7)
- "The reason for our salvation was to make us disciples of Jesus who make disciples." p. 150
- Choose five words that describe the process of making disciples who make disciples.
- Describe how to do a Discovery Bible Study.
- Watch Discovery Study Overview (7:58)
- Watch Helping Others Discover God — Discovery Bible Study (4:41)
Sessions 2 & 3: PODs