Read Romans 1:18–23
What happens to a person in an unreached people group, who dies without ever hearing the gospel? In other words, does someone who did not encounter the gospel while alive, spend eternity apart from God after they die? Explain.
Discuss this question then read What About Those Who Never Hear the Gospel?
What happens to a person in an unreached people group, who dies without ever hearing the gospel? In other words, does someone who did not encounter the gospel while alive, spend eternity apart from God after they die? Explain.
Discuss this question then read What About Those Who Never Hear the Gospel?
What is a UPG? (2:59)
- “An unreached people group has too few believers to evangelize and disciple the rest of their people group. Almost three billion people fall into this category.”
Describe what your life would be like today if no one had been present to evangelize or disciple you. - “Over three thousand of the seven thousand unreached people groups are unengaged, unreached people groups...these people groups have no one actively engaged in reaching them.”
Author David Platt said, "The only thing worse than being lost is being lost, and no one is looking for you."
Imagine you have been tasked by your church to create a strategy to bring the gospel to an unengaged, unreached people group. What four words (or phrases) summarize your plan? - What else stood out to you from the video?
Read the following quote and share what words or phrase stood out to you the most.
"The number of unreached people is higher now than ever before and will continue to increase until Christians and churches decide to change how we use our resources. The current rate of mission sending and giving is nowhere close to keeping up with the population increases, particularly among unreached peoples and places. Unless something changes, more people than ever before in history will go to hell without ever hearing how to go to heaven." — David Platt, Secret Church 21
"The number of unreached people is higher now than ever before and will continue to increase until Christians and churches decide to change how we use our resources. The current rate of mission sending and giving is nowhere close to keeping up with the population increases, particularly among unreached peoples and places. Unless something changes, more people than ever before in history will go to hell without ever hearing how to go to heaven." — David Platt, Secret Church 21
All excerpts are from The Abrahamic Revolution by Todd Ahrend.
- “God was not interested in me Christianizing my life; He was interested in me crucifying my life.” (Chapter 1)
What’s the difference?
- “Salvation has come to us because it’s on its way to someone else.” (Chapter 5)
Do you see the gospel as a baton that's been passed to you, to hand off to an unreached people group? Explain.
Become familiar with the concept of Supporting Others or Going Yourself by reading SOGY.
Share the most important thing you learned in this meeting, and let it serve as a guide as your group prays together.
Watch The World (4:38)