Soularium is a set of picture cards designed for starting conversations. We present it as a survey with the following questions "What three images describe your life now?" "What two images describe your life in five years?" "What one image describes God to you?" After this, we transition to the Table Survey and time permitting, invite people to explore disciple making through a Discovery Bible Study. Additional resources are listed below.
You can use Soularium in various places, like bringing it to meetings or placing it at home or work. When people inquire, offer it as a fun four-question survey about them. Use Soularium to build relationships, fostering dialogue and rapport without diving into controversial topics. Be a good listener, have fun, and follow Colossians 4:6 by letting conversations be gracious and meaningful.
Finally, use Soularium to connect with others. Share experiences in moderation and avoid dominating the conversation with your own stories. Keep the focus on the other person, aiming to engage them in a conversation about the life Jesus offers and inviting them to learn more.
You can use Soularium in various places, like bringing it to meetings or placing it at home or work. When people inquire, offer it as a fun four-question survey about them. Use Soularium to build relationships, fostering dialogue and rapport without diving into controversial topics. Be a good listener, have fun, and follow Colossians 4:6 by letting conversations be gracious and meaningful.
Finally, use Soularium to connect with others. Share experiences in moderation and avoid dominating the conversation with your own stories. Keep the focus on the other person, aiming to engage them in a conversation about the life Jesus offers and inviting them to learn more.
Additional resources.
- Purchase Soularium cards
- Watch Soularium overview (3:10)
- Watch Soularium examples: One (4:19), Two (1:39)
- Download the Soularium app (Apple, Google).