Review previous assignment
Preview next step
Preview next step
- Explain
- Practice
- Debrief: go over a part of Transforming Teaching
Big Idea Study Training Template
Meeting #1
Before the meeting
- Remind people about the meeting via email/text, etc.
- Inform them to bring a Bible and be able to access the website via an extra device.
At the beginning of the meeting.
- Record the Zoom call. Do this at the beginning of each meeting.
- Open Share Screen: Check boxes marked Share sound, and Optimize for video clip. Do this for showing a video.
- Welcome.
- Pray.
- Describe the flow of the class: Review and Preview.
- The review consists of going over the homework from the previous meeting. Each person's work will be critiqued by the class.
- Preview includes learning and practicing the next step in the development process.
- The review consists of going over the homework from the previous meeting. Each person's work will be critiqued by the class.
- Review Olive Tree
- Show how to find The Big Idea Study page, and review the four steps by title only (textual, thematic, complete outline and banner verse). Don't read all the information for each step. That will be done at each meeting. Explain that each Cohort session will be devoted to one step.
- Explain Step 1 (Textual Outline) using the terms Big, Supporting and Defining Ideas. Explain Step 1. Use only the text of your translation to find the Big/Supporting/Defining idea concepts. Illustrate with the big/medium/small fish examples. Do not read the website in detail at this time. That will come at the end during debrief.
- Show Step 1 Samples.
- Practice Step 1. Pick a passage, form breakouts and practice developing a textual outline. Explain and use Padlet so each group can see one another's outlines during debrief.
- Debrief by gathering back together to review each other's outlines and share what they learned.
- Read Step 1 in detail from the website.
- Watch Keep Looking video.
- Assign a passage to outline for Meeting #2.
Meeting #2
- Critique each person's Step 1 textual outline. Include your own work.
- Ask, "What did you learn?"
- Explain Step 2 of The Big Idea study by reading it in detail on the website.
- Show Step 2 samples from the website.
- Practice Step 2. Pick a passage, move breakouts and practice doing Step 1 and Step 2. Give plenty of time for this. Use Padlet or White boards. Be sure to tell people to save their work if they use the White board.
- Debrief by gathering back together to review each other's outlines and share what they learned. The host should know how to access the breakout white boards. Review this link if you don't know how this works.
- Assign a passage for Meeting #3. The assignment is to do Steps 1 and 2.
Meeting #3
- Review the steps for the Big Idea Study. Step 1 (Textual), Step 2 (Thematic), Step 3 (Complete).
- View and critique each person's Thematic (Step 2) outline from the assigned passage. Luke 5:1-11
- Ask, "What did you learn?"
- Show the samples of Step 3 from the website.
- Move to breakouts and Practice Step 3 by adding Explain/Illustrate/Apply and Question/Answer to one of the outlines presented in the Review section. Use Google docs.
- Debrief by gathering together and reviewing each group's work.
- Review the information about Step 3 on the website.
- Assign a passage for Meeting #4. The assignment is to do Steps 1,2,3 for the passage.
- Remind them of the date, time for next month's meeting.
Meeting #4
- Review the steps for the Big Idea Study. Textual, thematic, complete outlines.
- View and critique each person's Completed outline. Enable group sharing.
- View and critique my completed outline.
- Ask, "What did you learn?"
- Read Step 4 in Big Idea Study: Banner Verse.
- Show the sample of Step 4 from the website.
- Share Google doc tabs in chat before moving to breakout groups.
- Move to breakouts and create an outline containing a Banner Verse and Big Ideas from any of the following books (Haggai, 2 Thessalonians, Titus, 2 Peter). Sometimes it is helpful to find the Big Idea of each chapter (or passage) and choose a Banner verse from that list. You'll have to find a new Big Idea from the section of Scripture that the Banner verse came from.
- Debrief by gathering together and reviewing each group's work via google docs.
- Assign a book (from the list above) for meeting #5. Create an outline containing a Banner verse and accompanying Big Ideas.