Start by reading at least a passage of Scripture. Passages are the basic units of thought in the Bible. Begin with a book in the New Testament and read through it gradually. Each time you read, identify the word, phrase, or sentence that stands out to you the most. Choose something small, like a word or phrase, that is easy to recall throughout the day. Mark it by underlining, highlighting, or circling it. This will make it readily accessible for personal reflection or sharing with others.
Obedience is God's love language. It's how we tell God we love Him. Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my commandments." John 14:15 NLT Obeying out of love is freeing, not burdensome. Obedience may consist of giving thanks, offering praise, or meditating on a word or phrase throughout the day. It may also include forgiveness, compassion or love. It may also result in a change in behavior. Scripture should change us.
Tell others about the One Thing Study. Share the different it's made in your spiritual journey. Do one with someone, but don't expect they will focus on the same word or phrase. Allow God to choose the Scripture, he most wants the reader to notice.
Interact with God by responding to what He just said to you in his word. It may be a prayer of thanksgiving, or confession of sin. It may be a question to ask or request for help. It may be an act of obedience or repentance. The result should be a truth that renews your mind throughout the day. Doing a One Thing Study over time is transforming.
E = Express.
Pray your One Thing back to God. Have a personal conversation with God about the word or phrase from Scripture that he just pointed out to you. The intended outcome is worship; reverent love for the Lord. The result should be a truth that renews your mind throughout the day. Doing a One Thing Study over time is transforming.
Start by reading at least a passage of Scripture. Passages are the basic units of thought in the Bible. Begin with a book in the New Testament and read through it gradually. Each time you read, identify the word, phrase, or sentence that stands out to you the most. Choose something small, like a word or phrase, that is easy to recall throughout the day. Mark it by underlining, highlighting, or circling it. This will make it readily accessible for personal reflection or sharing with others.
Obedience is God's love language. It's how we tell God we love Him. Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my commandments." John 14:15 NLT Obeying out of love is freeing, not burdensome. Obedience may consist of giving thanks, offering praise, or meditating on a word or phrase throughout the day. It may also include forgiveness, compassion or love. It may also result in a change in behavior. Scripture should change us.
Tell others about the One Thing Study. Share the different it's made in your spiritual journey. Do one with someone, but don't expect they will focus on the same word or phrase. Allow God to choose the Scripture, he most wants the reader to notice.
Interact with God by responding to what He just said to you in his word. It may be a prayer of thanksgiving, or confession of sin. It may be a question to ask or request for help. It may be an act of obedience or repentance. The result should be a truth that renews your mind throughout the day. Doing a One Thing Study over time is transforming.
E = Express.
Pray your One Thing back to God. Have a personal conversation with God about the word or phrase from Scripture that he just pointed out to you. The intended outcome is worship; reverent love for the Lord. The result should be a truth that renews your mind throughout the day. Doing a One Thing Study over time is transforming.