Read Matthew 28:16–20 (Part 1 of 3)
- “...some worshipped” Vs. 17
What role does personal worship play in sharing the gospel with unreached peoples?
- “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore go...” Vs. 18
What is the importance of Jesus' authority, when obeying the Great Commission is against family traditions, contrary to religious rules, opposed by cultural practices, and forbid by governmental mandates?
What is an Unreached People Group? (1:59)
- “We are not talking about people who are lost and don’t know the Lord. We are talking about people who are lost, don’t know the Lord, and there is no one who speaks their language who can tell them.”
How do you think this came about?
- What else stood out to you from the video?
Taking the Gospel to the Unreached (3:13)
- What stood out to you from this video?
- Resources: Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan's Purse)
All excerpts are from The Abrahamic Revolution, by Todd Ahrend
- In 1974 the Billy Graham Association hosted a historic conference for evangelists from all over the world in Lausanne, Switzerland. It was there that Dr. Ralph Winter first informed the world about unreached peoples. Referencing that event, author Todd Ahrend states, “Dr. Winter reached up and pulled the unseen rope called unreached peoples that rang a bell which reverberates to this day’” (Chapter 6)
Do you hear it ringing? Explain.
- “One of my modern-day heroes is a surfer from California named Brad Buser. Challenged by his youth minister to give his life for world evangelization, Brad turned his back on professional surfing and headed to the tribal world. He was eighteen when he left to spend twenty years with the Iteri tribe in Papua New Guinea, translating the Bible into their language and planting a church. While home on a two-year furlough, the neighboring tribe began to write letters to him. Here is a portion of one:
"What’s going on? Where is our help? Have you forgot about us? We of Sinou haven’t forgot about wanting a missionary, we carry a huge heavy constantly about this. We carry this heavy because we fear for our lives. We know the paipel [Bible] says you should come and tell us. Us dark ones need it. How will we go to God’s place if not? Only those who know will go, how will we know if no one teaches us? That’s my worry, we want a missionary now to give us God’s talk.” (Chapter 7)
Does knowing that some unreached people actually long for gospel workers change your perspective on missions to unreached tribal peoples? Explain.
The letter above is just one of many letters written by unreached tribal peoples pleading for missionaries. More letters are posted here.
Share what you learned in this meeting and pray as a group about those things.
Watch His Praise Goes On (7:43)