Muslim #3
Read Acts 20:21–25. (Part 1 of 3)
- “I am bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem.” (Acts 20:22a)
What does it mean to be bound by the Spirit to bring the gospel to unreached Muslims? - “I don’t know what awaits me, except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead” (Acts 20:22-23)
Share three reasons a believer would move toward difficulty and danger, instead of away from it, to bring the gospel to unreached Muslims?
Dr. JD’s story (2:44)
- "As I grew in my faith, the American dream had a real hard hold on my heart. And it really cut me the heart to say, "JD, what are you doing with your life?""
Silently ask this question of yourself and share the results.
- What else stood out to you from this video?
Businessman in the Middle East (4:44)
- "Being a missionary means you leave your country, you leave your go far away, and you come back after fifteen or twenty years." This definition is changing. Complete this sentence, "Today, being a missionary means..."
- "I'm not here [just] to have a job. God is using the professional skills he's given me to share Christ." Do you see an avenue to share Christ with the skills God has given you? Explain.
- What else stood out to you from the video?
Chloe's Story (5:09)
- "Any gift, skill or talent the Lord has blessed you with, could be used here."
Share your abilities, talents, and skills, and discuss how they could be used in an overseas setting among unreached Muslims. - "Little by's a journey."
What does this say about serving the Lord among unreached peoples? - What else stood out to you from this video?
All excerpts are from Miraculous Movements, by Jerry Trousdale.
- “Miraculous movements are sweeping through some parts of the Muslim world today” (p. 13).
Why do you think this is so? - “If Christians can begin to engage Muslims beyond the headlines of burkas and bombs, we will discover hundreds of millions of disheartened and discouraged people” (p. 13).
Why would this be true? - “Disciple people to conversion, not vice versa. This kind of discipleship model—one that begins with discipleship and moves toward the point of conversion—is how many Muslims are becoming Christ followers” (p. 43)
Why is this such an effective way for Muslims to become Christ followers?
Reflect on what you have learned in this meeting and let it guide your prayer as you pray together as a group.