Answer from above.
"In surveys of internationals who became believers in the United States, two recurring themes appear. First, a Christian befriended them; not merely an acquaintance or a name without a face, but someone who expressed real love to them, served them, and genuinely wanted to spend time with them. Through this friendship, the international saw Christ. Second, someone took the time to provide a Bible in their language and was willing to work through their questions. In most cases this was their first time to actually read it for themselves. A patient Christian friend and the Word of God can be an incredible witness to internationals."1
"In surveys of internationals who became believers in the United States, two recurring themes appear. First, a Christian befriended them; not merely an acquaintance or a name without a face, but someone who expressed real love to them, served them, and genuinely wanted to spend time with them. Through this friendship, the international saw Christ. Second, someone took the time to provide a Bible in their language and was willing to work through their questions. In most cases this was their first time to actually read it for themselves. A patient Christian friend and the Word of God can be an incredible witness to internationals."1
Silence is Arrogance (2:45)
- "If Jesus did rise from the dead, then it is the height of arrogance to sit idly by while millions of unbelievers go to hell. It is the epitome of hate not to sacrifice our lives to spread this good news among every people group on the planet."
Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
What else did you notice from this video?
Watch You Reign (6:17)
Tragedy (7:28)
- How should a great commission Christian finish this sentence, "Lord, look at my _______________________?"
- What else stood out to you from this video?
Lost (5:22)
“The missionary question is not, where are there unbelievers? And then send a missionary there. There are unbelievers everywhere! The missionary question is, where are there peoples who don’t have any Christians in them? That’s the missionary question” (John Piper).
"What's the purpose of God for the nations? God's purpose is that He be praised. Oh, that we could get a heavenly-mindedness about the world so that we could see it as God sees it. Lives are a vapor; eternity is long; heaven is ecstatic with joy; hell is horrific with pain. These are the great realities" (John Piper).
“The missionary question is not, where are there unbelievers? And then send a missionary there. There are unbelievers everywhere! The missionary question is, where are there peoples who don’t have any Christians in them? That’s the missionary question” (John Piper).
- Are you asking yourself this question as a potential supporter or goer? Explain.
"What's the purpose of God for the nations? God's purpose is that He be praised. Oh, that we could get a heavenly-mindedness about the world so that we could see it as God sees it. Lives are a vapor; eternity is long; heaven is ecstatic with joy; hell is horrific with pain. These are the great realities" (John Piper).
- Are these becoming the great realities of your heart? Explain.
- What else stood out to you from the video?
Radical (2:06)
- “We have a Master who demands radical obedience and a mission that warrants radical urgency, and we do not have time to waste our lives living out a Christian spin on the American dream” (David Platt).
What does the phrase, "Christian spin on the American dream" mean?
What does radical obedience and radical urgency look like in a believer's life? - "The most glorious reason you exist is for the proclamation of the glory of God to the ends of the earth."
Restate this in your own words (without using the words from the quote).
What else stood out to you from the video?
Watch His Praise Goes On (7:43)
“One of my modern-day heroes is a surfer from California named Brad Buser. Challenged by his youth minister to give his life for world evangelization, Brad turned his back on professional surfing and headed to the tribal world. He was eighteen when he left to spend twenty years with the Iteri tribe in Papua New Guinea, translating the Bible into their language and planting a church. While home on a two-year furlough, the neighboring tribe began to write letters to him. Here is a portion of one: "What’s going on? Where is our help? Have you forgot about us? We of Sinou haven’t forgot about wanting a missionary, we carry a huge heavy constantly about this. We carry this heavy because we fear for our lives. We know the paipel [Bible] says you should come and tell us. Us dark ones need it. How will we go to God’s place if not? Only those who know will go, how will we know if no one teaches us? That’s my worry, we want a missionary now to give us God’s talk.” (Chapter 7)
- Does knowing that some unreached people actually long for gospel workers change your perspective on missions to unreached peoples? Explain.
What is an Unreached People Group? (1:59)
- “We are not talking about people who are lost and don’t know the Lord. We are talking about people who are lost, don’t know the Lord, and there is no one who speaks their language who can tell them.”
Describe the emotions this surfaces in you.
How do you think this came about?
- What else stood out to you from the video?
Watch The World (4:38)
Only the Global session has closing videos. They are for reflection; not group discussion. Enjoy.
- Watch Shine (7:28)