Saturday, October 12, 2024 from 1-5 PM. We will begin at 1 PM sharp at 1235 M. Street, Modesto, CA 95354.
To find the Push neighborhood, use 509 Leveland Lane, Modesto, CA 95350 in your map app.
The neighborhood is bordered by:
The area is divided into two sections by Leveland Lane, with Team Green and Team Orange covering their respective sections. Click here for a visual of the two areas.
House Team Tips
Team Formation: Split into teams with one experienced person per group. Approach homes in pairs, rotating so everyone gets a chance at the door. You can choose to observe or engage in conversation.
Street Coverage: Each team should take opposite sides of the street or different streets to avoid doubling up or missing houses. Politely decline invitations into homes to cover more ground, but feel free to return later for a personal visit.
Avoid Gated Yards with Dogs: Skip homes that may have dogs behind gates for safety.
Door-Knocking: Knock twice (friends knock, strangers ring). If no response after the second knock, move on.
“No Soliciting” Signs: Feel free to knock. You are not selling anything but offering prayer and conversation.
What to say: Refer to the script on Prayer Walk for helpful reminders.
Try to record a response for each house you visit. Only one person per house team needs to record responses, and these will be tallied at the end of the day. There are two ways to do this:
Response Categories: write down either E, Y, or N/A.
Follow-up: You are responsible for following up with those interested in learning more. When possible, connect men with men and women with women. If you are not from the area, pass the contact info to someone local. Consult the four steps on the Welcome page for guidance.
Debrief: After each interaction, take a moment to ask, “What did you learn?”
Stay on Mission: Focus on finding a Person of Peace (someone who welcomes conversation, receives prayer and a Bible story and wants to share it with others). Avoid political or religious debates. If necessary, clarify that you’re not Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons.
If you have the time, read Prayer Walk to familiarize yourself with what we’ll be doing.
Emergency & Contact Info
Final Gathering: We’ll meet back at 1235 M. Street, Modesto, CA 95354 at 4 PM for pizza, salad, dessert, and to share stories of what God has done. Plan to finish prayer walking around 3:30 PM.
Be a blessing—don’t worry about perfection. Focus on being obedient and loving. Let the Holy Spirit lead. Enjoy the experience! Have fun.
To find the Push neighborhood, use 509 Leveland Lane, Modesto, CA 95350 in your map app.
The neighborhood is bordered by:
- North: Rumble Rd. (Top of the area)
- East: Sherwood Ave. (Right side of area)
- South: Northgate Dr. (Bottom of area)
- West: Fremont Ave/Stafford Way. (Left side of area)
The area is divided into two sections by Leveland Lane, with Team Green and Team Orange covering their respective sections. Click here for a visual of the two areas.
House Team Tips
Team Formation: Split into teams with one experienced person per group. Approach homes in pairs, rotating so everyone gets a chance at the door. You can choose to observe or engage in conversation.
Street Coverage: Each team should take opposite sides of the street or different streets to avoid doubling up or missing houses. Politely decline invitations into homes to cover more ground, but feel free to return later for a personal visit.
Avoid Gated Yards with Dogs: Skip homes that may have dogs behind gates for safety.
Door-Knocking: Knock twice (friends knock, strangers ring). If no response after the second knock, move on.
“No Soliciting” Signs: Feel free to knock. You are not selling anything but offering prayer and conversation.
What to say: Refer to the script on Prayer Walk for helpful reminders.
Try to record a response for each house you visit. Only one person per house team needs to record responses, and these will be tallied at the end of the day. There are two ways to do this:
- 3x5 Card: Write the street name as a heading, followed by the numerical address and the response below.
- Phone: Use Google Maps to zoom in on the address until a number appears, then record the responses in your phone’s notes app.
Response Categories: write down either E, Y, or N/A.
- E = Engaged: People answered the door and spoke with you, but did not share their contact information.
- Y = Yes: People shared their contact information with you.
- N/A: No answer.
Follow-up: You are responsible for following up with those interested in learning more. When possible, connect men with men and women with women. If you are not from the area, pass the contact info to someone local. Consult the four steps on the Welcome page for guidance.
Debrief: After each interaction, take a moment to ask, “What did you learn?”
Stay on Mission: Focus on finding a Person of Peace (someone who welcomes conversation, receives prayer and a Bible story and wants to share it with others). Avoid political or religious debates. If necessary, clarify that you’re not Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons.
If you have the time, read Prayer Walk to familiarize yourself with what we’ll be doing.
Emergency & Contact Info
- For emergencies, call 911.
- Get the phone number of your team leader.
- For questions, consult your team leader or call Bob at (209) 917-0830 or Tom (209) 988-6669.
Final Gathering: We’ll meet back at 1235 M. Street, Modesto, CA 95354 at 4 PM for pizza, salad, dessert, and to share stories of what God has done. Plan to finish prayer walking around 3:30 PM.
Be a blessing—don’t worry about perfection. Focus on being obedient and loving. Let the Holy Spirit lead. Enjoy the experience! Have fun.