THE NATIONS: Meeting 1
Fast Fact
The term "nation" is mentioned over five hundred times in Scripture, yet it doesn't denote individual countries but rather groups of people within countries. Globally, there are just under 200 countries, but the number of distinct people groups exceeds 7,500. This differentiation underscores the rich diversity and the myriad of cultures and communities that exist worldwide.
These verses from each genre (type) of Scripture, describe God's heart for the world. Read each aloud, then respond to the questions below.
Old Testament
Old Testament
- Law: Genesis 12:3
- History: 1 Chronicles 16:23-24
- Poetry: Psalm 67:2-3
- Prophecy: Isaiah 12:4-5
- Gospels: Matthew 28:16–20
- History: Acts 1:8
- Epistles: Romans 1:5
- Prophecy: Revelation 7:9–10
- What words or phrases reflect God's concern for all peoples?
- Take a moment and write a one sentence summary of your findings and share it with the group.
The Biblical Basis of Missions (6:28)
"When Israel got off track, God intervened. Sometimes he raised up prophets to remind them of their mandate to bless the nations..."
What else stood out to you from the video?
"When Israel got off track, God intervened. Sometimes he raised up prophets to remind them of their mandate to bless the nations..."
- Are we, the American church, off track having forgotten the mandate to bless the nations? If so, how did we get there? Explain.
- Is God raising up prophets to remind us of our mandate? Explain.
What else stood out to you from the video?
Reaching the Unreached (4:20)
"There are almost three billion people who will live and die without ever hearing the story [of God’s love]. Not because they don’t care, but because they don’t have a choice."
"Only 3% of missionaries are going to the 40% who have never heard about Jesus. Only 1% of cross-cultural giving goes to the [almost] three billion people who have never heard about Jesus."
What else stood out to you from the video?
"There are almost three billion people who will live and die without ever hearing the story [of God’s love]. Not because they don’t care, but because they don’t have a choice."
- Describe your reaction to this statement.
"Only 3% of missionaries are going to the 40% who have never heard about Jesus. Only 1% of cross-cultural giving goes to the [almost] three billion people who have never heard about Jesus."
- Why do you think this imbalance exists?
What else stood out to you from the video?
Read these quotes, and share those that resonate with you most and why.
- “It’s only good news if it gets there in time.” — Carl Henry
- “No one has the right to hear the gospel twice while there remains someone who has not heard it once.”— Oswald J. Smith
- “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.”— John Piper
- “We talk of the second coming when half the world has not even heard of the first.” — Oswald J. Smith
- "It will not do to say that you have no special call to go … you need rather ascertain whether you have a special call to stay." – Hudson Taylor
If you have not already done so, review REACH, by reading the home page. Don't click the SOGY link, you'll do that next meeting.
Share something important thing you learned in this meeting, and let it serve as a guide as the group prays together.